Q: Is midek a pedo? A: No. Q: Is something bad going to happen today? A: Yes. Q: Can i trust you? A: No. Q: broke on element again A: Clear the cache, retard. Q: Why no encryption in #public:midov.pl ? A: The #public:midov.pl was one of the first large public rooms with encryption enabled for years, but after getting over 1k users encryption starts to lag so hard, it had to be disabled. Q: Were you investigated by the police? A: No, nothing ever happens. Q: Is matrix monitored by the feds? A: Yes, it most certainly is. Q: Why is Tor banned? A: Mainly due to the amount of abuse coming from tor (nearly all of it in fact, because barrier to entry is too low) and also because tor hates your freedom: https://twitter.com/torproject/status/1374754834050654212?lang=en . Q: Can Tor be unbanned? A: Absolutely not. Use something thats not made by feminists and sponsored by the feds. Q: Why cant i post media on matrix? A: Media is blocked for newfags, because pedophiles kept abusing it for hosting coomer shit. But media on text chat was a mistake anyway, so no real value was lost. Some long-term users who can be trusted not to post garbage receive media privileges.